In peer-reviewed journals
‘When socialist Chinese law meets common law interpretation: Mandatory sentencing and mitigation under the Hong Kong National Security Law’
—(2024) 45 Statute Law Review hmae046, with AHL Wong
‘Overprotecting professionals from ‘vexatious’ claims under the Hong Kong Mental Health Ordinance: The question of access to justice for persons with mental illness’
—(2021) 28 International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law 54
‘Claiming wrongful diagnosis under the Mental Health Ordinance: The impossibility of building a reasonably arguable case’
—(2020) 50 Hong Kong Law Journal 837, with D Cheung
'12 years on: Implications of the Interception of Communications and Surveillance Ordinance on fundamental rights and freedoms in Hong Kong'
—(2019) 49 Hong Kong Law Journal 487
‘Compulsory treatment in the community in Hong Kong: Implications of the current law and practice on the rights of persons with mental illnesses’
—(2019) 20 Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law 60
‘A robust restatement of the presumption of capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005: WBC (Local Authority) v Z, X, Y’
—(2017) 2 LSE Law Review 93
In edited volumes
‘Mental capacity in Hong Kong: Inconsistencies, uncertainties, and the need for reform’
—Legal capacity, disability and human rights, with PYS Chow (Intersentia 2023)
‘La capacidad mental en Hong Kong: Contradicciones, incertidumbres y la necesidad de una reforma’
—Capacidad jurídica, discapacidad y derechos humanos, with PYS Chow (Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, México 2022)
Blog posts
‘Why should we be able to make our own decisions? Discussing Legal Capacity, Disability and Human Rights’
—(24 Nov 2023) Oxford Family and Medical Law Blog